Thursday, September 2, 2010

Honest to God

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).

City, state, and federal governments struggle today with money issues. While I understand that accountability, economics, and wisdom all factor into what happens with financial matters, it just seems to stand out to me that as we have allowed more sin to become legal. Bars, clubs, and casinos continue to grow. The internet swims with filth. Television continues to drop to new moral lows. We claim sin is okay as long as we can tax it to raise needed revenues. But anything we gain from unrighteousness will be to our loss in God’s eyes.
When we uphold God’s principles we obtain His favor. When we ignore Him, we cannot expect kudos. When our country stops giving a tax break to the clergy yet starts funding abortions, we are in trouble. When the government limits the tax breaks for churches yet gives more to schools that teach godless myths of human origin and philosophies of humanism, we are asking for punishment. When our national leadership refuses to honor the Lord Jesus on a National Day of Prayer yet hosts a Capital Hill event to pay respect to a religious movement which denies our Lord, we are begging for disaster.
Sin-filled countries are some of the most dangerous, unhealthy places in the world. The godlier a nation is, the safer it becomes both from disease and destruction. We often make out religion as if it exists in a vacuum and had nothing to do with real life. People make a confession of faith about Jesus at their church or cathedral, yet live like the devil when they go to work or the club.
No liturgy, no nice poem, no good motto can undo the damage inflicted by a community that refuses to put God first. When gold comes before God, when fad displaces faith, when tolerance erodes truth, we can only count the days until the end. However, there is still time to turn from our wicked ways, seek first the desires of the Spirit, and live honest to God. Our morals determine our nation's mortality.